
There are several way an individual is able to submit applications. The applications are able to be submitted online, email, or in person. Once our Permitting Team receives the application and determines it is complete, payment will need to be completed. An application will be considered submitted and processing will begin after receiving payment.  

Before you begin building, there are a few things you need to know. All buildings in our County are required to have the follow Structural Requirements:
1) Frost Depth: Design Criteria frost depth must be 36 inches from bottom of footings.
2) Roof Snow Load: Must have a minimum capacity of 60 pounds per square foot (PSF)
3) Ground Snow Load: Must have a minimum capacity of 87 pounds per square foot (PSF)
4) Wind Load: Structure designed to withstand 115 miles per hour (mph) wind and sustain up to three (3) second gusts. 
5) Seismic Support: D1 Seismic Zone.
If you click here, it will download to the Complete Building Checklist for our County. Here is a quick glance for Structural Requirements for all buildings within Caribou County. 

Ready to submit application? Select the option you are wanting to submit your application. 

  gfgdfgdfg         Online Application Submission

Download Application       Download and/or print Application for email or in person submission

 To submit applications by email, please email the completed application for Submitting applications in person, please take completed application for the Caribou County Courthouse, located at 159 South Main Street, RM #100, Soda Springs, Idaho 83276.